What Do You Mean We are Brother and sister...NO WE ARE NOT!

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Mat 12:50 

There ain't no we

Unless you talkin about 

doing the will of God

don't call us your brothers or your sisters

unless you're talking about walking in Hamashiach 

What do you mean "me too "

not unless your old thinking is dead and your mind renewed

Everything you say is in vain

Unless in Yah’s Son you're born again

Of water being baptized (a good Conscience towards Yah ) in his name

Of SPIRIT (being filled with ) the father's character, the same

So don't even talk about " we're in this together "

if you're not walking eternally and forever

with his Holy Spirit reigning and governing your life.

 And live the only way of righteousness that's right 

We don't do idols

Or worship the Star

We don't have nine candles on our menorah

Its seven candles and so in Yahshua complete

In Ha Mashiach by his death the power of darkness he did defeat

And giving us the victory in darkness we do not walk

We are separate from the world The Ha Mashiach’s flock

You can't rewrite and legitimize anything 

outside HIS word and call it right

He did not ordain it

but what's bronze you call white

So again there’s no bases, fact or truth calling us brother and sister  

you're NOT in this with us-together

when what you worship is not the Most High YAH,

it is a false God altogether.

Hear the words of Hamashiach: For whosoever

shall do the will of my Father

which is in heaven,

the same is my brother,

and sister,

and mother.

Mat 12:50 

Amos 3:3-5

 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

We don't agree with darkness


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