Why are you afraid to call us by our name... you know who we are ...we are none of the bywords you call us like... black or native Americans, negros, Latinos or anything else from where

we've been scattered to...WE ARE ISRAELITES, we know who we are. Most of the melanated people, not all, dwelling in the four corners of the Earth  including America, ARE descendants of the scattered house of ISRAEL, of the Bible. SAY WHO WE ARE! CALL US BY OUR NAME! History and the Bible proves this truth that you are trying to hide!

Psa 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

Your ancestors knew and so do you. SAY WHO WE ARE!  All of these planned distractions are you, who as a naughty destructive child, knows he's about to get a butt whooping, are acting out, trying to prolong the inevitable.

Yah's done waiting for your repentance Esua it's judgement time. SAY OUR NAME. WE ARE ISRAEL! YAH'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! 

Ref: Act 26:26, Isaiah 45:3,


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