
A post I wrote on April 17 2013, still holds true today! (4/13/2019)

Last night, all through the night I had very intense disturbing dreams. So much so that when I woke this morning all my emotions and mind were wrapped up with the dream thinking it was real, almost to the point that I could not really concentrate to pray.

But then as fresh as the dream was in my mind the Holy Spirit reminded me that the dream and the things in the dream were only a distraction from the enemy to keep me from prayer, worship and praise.

It was meant to distract me from the blessings and joy that God had for me THIS DAY, as was all the other things going on in my life that tried to get my attention and focus away from God.

He reminded me to resist the devil - apply the word of God to my mind- cover whatever comes my way with the Blood of Yashua (the word and faith- 1 John 5:4) so I would overcome.

And so I did, rather He did, I recovered quickly and I was restored to a place of worship and praise where I could pray and praise God. (Especially for this)

Saints, this is a crucial time for the body of Hamashiach. There are many distractions such as family life, jobs, money, relationships, entertainment, social media, fears, ridiculous thoughts and the list goes on and on, even some seemingly “good” things can distract us from the true focus of the Gospel -Yashua.

My Prayer is that  Heavenly Father would strengthen us to resist these distracting tactics and that the enemy would flee from us as we submit to God.

That God would allow nothing to take our focus from Yashua Hamashiach, nothing to keep us from our worship and praise of Him. But that the Holy spirit would remind us of the word and apply it (just as Jesus/Yashua did -     Matt 4:1-11) and that he would bless us to overcome.  With grace, faith and patients in Yashua's Name.

Stay focussed, apply the blood and worship God/YAH.

May God bless us to keep focused and keep our minds stayed on Him!

Isa 26:3                            

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne


Love, Grace and Peace


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