Family Life : Raising Arrows in God's hands

This is a tough area in life for me to live and talk about, raising children . All the heart wrenching and seemingly unanswerable questions fill my heart when my children experience life's dark challenges.
Ideally as a parent, first thing is to overcome yourself and all your emotions,  beforehand, so you're able to compassionately and patiently deal with your child's dilemma. That would be idea if I where ...Yahshua himself.

 But I'm not and though He dwells in me, I sometimes become blinded by the me flesh factor and become flooded with fearful and doubtful feelings of sometimes,  inadequate parenting skills because my precious baby is experiencing a challenge in life.

 In a brief dark moment everything I believed and read in the word slips out of sight, and I am weakened and overwhelmed. Nonetheless God in his infinite power steps in and my child like dependence on him kicks in. At this point I start to hear the Holy Spirit speak to me and guide me in loving my child as she needs to be loved and guided.

The Trust issue
My husband reminded me that trusting God is also a necessary component in order for me to see the power of God manifests in these situations. So I'm reminded of some of the glorious things he did in the past which helps me to rest and trust that the outcome will be favorable because I'm in God's hands and everything will be favorable for us all.

At this point my child has calmed down and is pouring her heart out about her situation, and I have settled in to listening to God's voice as what to say and do. I hear the words He is saying and am understanding her brokenness more than she can effectively express, all the while praying for her comfort concerning the things that she feels. There's calm now and an established peace in the once emotionally charged room. It is Yah's spirit administering healing and strength through Yahshua Ha Mashiach.  In this short time he suddenly manifests his resurrection power and His love for us by demonstrating it in a real life circumstance, giving us this peace and hope.

My hope now is although my child is growing in the spirit, is that she recognizes Yahuah doing the work in her, guiding her, that he is real and is able to get her through her times of trouble and as a parent this is a hope for me to be established in, as well.
