The pity party is over...

Sometimes saints forget that we are growing in the Lord AND have not arrived  so when make mistakes instead of repenting and following the spirit we feel condemnation and have a pity party.

 Then you have unbelievers who ignorantly try to judge us and not only can not judge us but don't have the authority or knowledge to make any determination concerning God's plan for believers .

So we have this dual struggle going on...inside and out...


The #GoodNews is

JESUS justifies us PERIOD
Let God be true and every man a liar.


It is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom ...He is not giving up on us if our hearts are right with him. He knows what's in our hearts and sent Jesus to help us so that we could overcome ....

Jesus didn't come to condemn the world but to save it!
So starting from when we were in the world to present he is here helping and shaping  and forming us into his image. That may take some time for most of us but he is patient and is not going to punish or to condemn us if we love Him and want to walk in his ways!

In fact that is what he wants us to do is be in love with him but that's another post.

Lastly (for now)
There is therefore NOW NO condemnation to them who walk NOT after the flesh but after the spirit . We aren't being condemned when we walk in the spirit.  We recognize our mistakes and turn to Jesus from them.

So there you have it.
Be encouraged and BELIEVE!
Try not to fret over mistake, turn to God, grow in His free gift of grace AND he will bless you TO DO HIS WILL. He's not condemning but LOVING HELPING AND SAVING!

Love,Grace and Peace
Pete Mojica and Connie Mojica


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