They knew there was something different about me.........Journey note

They knew there was something different about me, just couldn't put their finger on it. They called it anything but Jesus.  Truthfully I got tripped up about it too. It was all new to me... God had to reveal to me that it was He, so I could walk and stand on the truth. Oh yeah they could see it and still not wanting to admit it, you know the thing about the prophet not having honor in his own country... same for us Born Again followers....we get no respect in our own.

 Some say "your fake" ... they think they know you ... some say "your just like me" cause they want you to stay they same . (you know, putting doubt out so you don't shine) Nope, not working here. He that's in me is greater than he that's in the world. I always had to remind myself ... like Jesus, I too must use the Shield of faith to resist the lies of the enemy. And didn't the Holy spirit give me the power to resist?...YES YES. He came in, showed them who I really am. Giving me the victory and teaching me to love my enemy.

 I 'm not the old gal I used to be, but a new creature walking in the light of the HOLY, the one and only, almighty God  Living by the righteousness of God, Believing the promises. Growing in His grace. Yes, filled with his spirit, therefore ....his daughter, beloved and highly favored. Not because of what I am or what I have done.... or even what I,  but because of JESUS Christ and what he did on the the grave...and as he NOW sits on the throne.   God had to show them He had to let'em know! Learning! Learning  Learning!

This is an actual event in my life . During my walk in Christ Jesus, I have had many afflictions and persecutions for the name of Jesus. As with anyone who will name the name of Jesus it will be so . But it is not a sad thing or a bad thing... No, Beloved it is a walk of victory and triumph. A walk where we can rejoice through all our temptations and troubles because we know we are coming out of the fire unscathed or  touched. Jesus being our everything we need, as we seek after him trusting Him and  gettting to know Him. He is our helper in all things. I testify to this. If I wrote everything I have been through and everything God has delivered me out of I would be typing a very very long time .

Be encouraged because we can trust God, He is Faithful.
The journeys not over yet! But our Hope and Faith is in God!
Love Grace and Peace in Jesus


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