Kingdom Citizens

The world is just what it is... the world and is passing away.
 But NOW as believers of the Gospel,
The Good News of Jesus 
& the Kingdom of God, 
we are the BORN AGAIN citizens of the kingdom of HIS PERFECT Son ,
Having been born of the water through baptism in Jesus name 
and having been born or God's own Holy Spirit 
 we focus our attention on Jesus, our KING,
 His righteousness and Kingdom matters
 Loving God and  people, 
enlightening and saving souls OUT of the world. 
Preaching Lovegrace, reconciliation
and the turning away from our own and the worlds way of thinking and living , 
to the turning back to believing  God who loves us
and gave His Only begotten Son for us . 
Promoting  the everlasting KINGDOM of the Eternal God with power.
In whose kingdom is not of this world
 and whose citizens are not of flesh & blood, 
but are mighty in PRAYER through the invisible God 

 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"

 and who Give thanks and rejoice in the Hope of the Glory of God !

Mat 3:2

Luke 1:33

Act 28:31

1Cr 4:20

Phillipians 3:3


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