Embracing Life With A Change Of Heart

I must confess.....In the beginning I thought I know it all. I thought I knew God. I thought I was all that and a piece of cake because I was raised a going to church. I  always felt close to God but that did not mean a thing. Something I found out after I had gotten baptized at a small mission Church in Atlanta. My spiritual head was giant sized and full of pride. But in my own defense I was never taught about REPENTANCE or change of heart, so that I could learn about who Jesus really is.  And as such I went about (as the bible says ) establishing my own righteousness. Living by the law, trying to earn my own salvation.

Screeeeeech. And God knowing my heart had mercy on me and put an end to all the nonsense and humbled me and revealed to me Himself so I could learn about Him, live and praise him the right way.  He, rid(ding) me of all the traditional baggage I had inherited from my past. Things that were handed down and that I picked up from past generations religion. Lies I accumulated in my search for the truth and not religion,( in my later years) and things that were perpetrated on me throughout life, that I did not know were tales . "I count it all dung"!

I believe God knew I wanted to know him and find the life He has for me/us even though I was going about it the wrong way. He in His infinite love and great mercy  had to keep this woman from doing her own thing and not finding salvation. So He did. He loved me and is working on me and leading me and guiding my everyday.

In all the work He is doing on my heart  to bless me to obtain his free gifts, I am finding God to be more than I ever thought; patient, true to his promises, faithful, gentle, gracious and a loving Father. All this just so he could show me the new life He has for me in Jesus in Is Kingdom. Nothing compares to him.

 And so here I am embracing that life and writing about the things He is doing by His mighty power in my life and in the lives of the brothers and sisters in the church. Real things in everyday life, and he will continue to change my heart and renew my mind so that I can see the things He so richly gives those that love Him. This repentance thing ... it's a ever learning thing and it's a good thing and worth embracing in order to get to know God.  God does what he says he will do, He will help you through it! Philippians 3
Love Grace and Peace -Connie


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